LED light therapy can aid the body’s natural healing response.

For instance, neuropathy patients often have reduced blood flow, leading to insufficient oxygen and glucose supply to cells, including nerves. This results in decreased ATP production by mitochondria, which can cause pain or numbness, especially in the extremities.

How does Light Therapy Work?
Light energy prompts the release of nitric oxide from hemoglobin, which then relaxes muscle cells in blood vessel walls, expanding vessel diameter and enhancing blood flow.

Advantages of Light Therapy
This process triggers beneficial chemical reactions in damaged nerve cells, promoting healing primarily through increased blood flow.

Depth of Light Penetration
Light consists of photons, which are energy units. Regardless of the source, photons at a specific wavelength or color contain the same energy. Light at the blue end of the spectrum penetrates 2 to 4 millimeters, while red light penetrates 8 to 10 millimeters. Near-infrared light penetrates 20 to 100 millimeters due to its higher energy and lower resistance to absorption. However, this varies based on the presence of red blood cells, as hemoglobin absorbs near-infrared light, releasing nitric oxide.

Nitric Oxide

Evidence shows that both red and infrared light boost the release of nitric oxide from hemoglobin. Why does this matter?

Nitric oxide dilates vessels which are already present at the site of light treatment and increases the formotion of new capillaries. These additional blood vessels replace damaged ones. New capillaries speed up the healing process by carrying more oxygen and nutrients needed for healing and they help to remove waste products.

Collagen is the most common protein found in the body. Collagen is the essential protein used to repair damaged tissue and to replace old tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together and has a high degree of elasticity. By increasing this form of collagen, less scar tissue is formed at the damaged site.

Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use of light therapy. This effect enhances removal of lymph and interstitial fluid which can couse swelling and pain. Nitric oxide also helps to increase the number of lymph vessels much like it grows new capillaries.

ATP is the major source of energy produced by cells. Increases in ATP allow cells to accept nutrients faster and get rid of waste products faster. Increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells enhances cell ATP production thereby providing the chemical energy that maximizes cell function.

Cells must replicate (multiply) before new tissue is formed. A doubling of DNA, which occurs in the presence of nitric oxide, precedes cell division. This helps damaged cells to be replaced more promptly.

Nerves deprived of oxygen and nutrients (and therefore ATP) are overly excitable. Nitric oxide, much like morphine (but without the side effects) can also suppress pain signals directly.

The stimulation of fibroblastic activity aids in the repair process. Fibroblasts are present in connective tissue and are capable of forming collagen fibers.

Phagocytosis is the process by which white blood cells (WBC) scavenge dead or degenerated cells. This is on important port of the infection fighting process. Specific WBC also fight infection. These events must occur before the healing process can take place.

Tissue granulation and connective tissue projections are part of the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissue.

Acetylcholine has important parasympathetic nervous system effects. Among these are local vasodilation and improved gastrointestinal peristalsis.

  • Improved Sensation

    Offering better gait and balance when walking.

  • Reduced Pain

    Allows for better sleep at night, as well as reduced burning and stinging sensation in the extremities.

  • Increased Oxygenation

    Acts to reduce inflammation.

  • Increased Circulation

    Which offers the body decreased wound incidents and shorter healing times.